Cycle Shop Kurahashi自転車販売、整備。サイクルウェア取扱。自転車用品販売。サイクルイベント企画など。
We sell bicycles and do bicycle tuning as well. We also sell cycling apparel and gear, and organize various types of cycling events.
Imaoka CycleJR松山駅から南に約1kmに立地。一般車から電動自転車、折畳自転車、ロードレーサー、クロスバイク、MTB等の取扱。
Located 1km south from JR Matsuyama Station. Handling everything from common bicycles to electric bicycles, folding bicycles, road racers, cross bikes and MTB etc..
Sakaguchi Cycle SS各種メーカーの自転車・バイク・スクーターの販売・修理
Sales and repair of bicycles, motorcycles, and scooters across a broad range of manufacturers
Nishimura bicycle shop自転車、バイクなど修理・販売全般にしております。(他に合鍵も)
Principal business: sale and repair of bicycles and motorcycles. Keys also cut.
CYCLE HOUSE WESTERN国内外のスポーツ自転車の多数展示・各種パーツ等の取扱をしています。
We sell and display a large number of sport bicycles and parts from Japan and abroad.
GO Shop自転車修理・販売・メンテナンス・相談
Bicycle repair and sale and maintenance, purchase consultation.
Ueno Cycle1974年より地域の皆様に親しまれてきた自転車とバイクの修理・販売店です。スポーツ自転車も多数取り扱っております。
We are a bicycle and motorbike sales and repair shop that has been familiar to local people since 1974. We stock a wide range of sports bicycles.