Gyōza Nobu餃子と中華そばのお店です。
Chinese dumplings jiaozis and Chinese soba noodle specialty shop.
Minato Shokudō創業当時と変わらない鍋焼うどん・昔懐かしの中華そば・定食などを提供しています。
We provide nabeyaki udon, which has remained unchanged since the time we were established. Our chūka soba (Chinese noodles) and set meal will bring back the past for you.
BRIDGESTONE Matsuyama Tire Center Co., Ltd.一般乗用車用タイヤから超大型建設・鉱山車両タイヤまで販売・修理・処分を行っております。
Sale, repair and disposal of all types of tire from normal car tires to supersize construction and mine vehicle tires.
プロス タクボ
Pros Takuboバイクショップ。安全のための修理、ヘルメット等の品揃え。
Motorbike shop. Repairs/maintenance of motorbikes. Wide selection of helmets etc.
Imaoka CycleJR松山駅から南に約1kmに立地。一般車から電動自転車、折畳自転車、ロードレーサー、クロスバイク、MTB等の取扱。
Located 1km south from JR Matsuyama Station. Handling everything from common bicycles to electric bicycles, folding bicycles, road racers, cross bikes and MTB etc..
cafe タンデム
cafe Tandem時間に追われるあなたに、ほっと一息くつろぎの時を!! ランチ時は少しバタバタ(笑)
Have just one relax coffee time for you pressed for time! We are busy a little in lunch time
The owner of this pastry shop makes each delightful treat with heartfelt care.
Yasutaka Corporation (Yasutaka Liquor Shop)酒の販売。入手困難な芋焼酎、東温市のどぶろくの取扱いがあります。
Sale of alcohol. We have a selection of difficult to find potato shōchū and doburoku (cloudy saké) from Tōon city.
Uchida Bread Y.K.子供から大人まで、安心して食べることができるパンを店内にて常時100種類以上提供しています。
Offering over 100 kinds of bread in the store that anyone from children to adults can enjoy.
Kirari Y.K.化粧品販売・メイクアップ・フェイシャルエステ・ブライダル撮影
Cosmetics, facial skin care, and bridal photography