We are selling outdoor gears and making customized shoe insole.
Nakano Honpo Co., Ltd.江戸時代から続く松山銘菓「薄墨羊羹」は地元にある名桜「薄墨桜」にちなんだ羊羹で、松山を代表する和菓子です。
Usuzumiyōkan is a Japanese jellied dessert named after Usuzumisakura, a famous local cherry blossom, and has been representative of Matsuyama since the Edo period.
Endo Aojiru Co. Ltd.健康飲料(青汁)の販売及びジューススタンドの運営
Health drink Aojiru and juice-stand business.
Shigematsu Shōten手作りこんにゃく製造販売。昔ながらの手作りの製法・味を守り続け、機械に頼らず手間ひまかけてコシのある蒟蒻。
Sale and manufacture of hand-made konnyaku. We have preserved the traditional taste of our products and method of manufacture and take trouble to make strong chewy konnyaku without relying on machines.
プロス タクボ
Pros Takuboバイクショップ。安全のための修理、ヘルメット等の品揃え。
Motorbike shop. Repairs/maintenance of motorbikes. Wide selection of helmets etc.
Yasutaka Corporation (Yasutaka Liquor Shop)酒の販売。入手困難な芋焼酎、東温市のどぶろくの取扱いがあります。
Sale of alcohol. We have a selection of difficult to find potato shōchū and doburoku (cloudy saké) from Tōon city.
Nonoichi Co.,Ltd掛け軸・額の表装と販売
We mount and sell hanging scrolls and picture amounts.
BRIDGESTONE Matsuyama Tire Center Co., Ltd.一般乗用車用タイヤから超大型建設・鉱山車両タイヤまで販売・修理・処分を行っております。
Sale, repair and disposal of all types of tire from normal car tires to supersize construction and mine vehicle tires.
Dolce, Matsuyama塩アイス・乾燥ひじきとドレッシング・オーガニック商品を販売しております。
Sale of salty ice-cream, dried hijiki (brown sea vegetable), dressing and organic products.