Ripple-Circle KOKA自然食品、健康食品の卸販売。飲食コーナー有。
Our shop provide you with Lakanka tea(Lo Han Chinese tea )for free.
エックス モバイル 松山店
X mobile Matsuyama Branch格安スマホ販売。基本料は月々980円。毎週火曜日定休11時~19時営業時間。
A low-cost smartphone’s shop. Basic monthly charge is 980yen. We have opened from 11 to 19, regularly closed on Tuesdays.
The owner of this pastry shop makes each delightful treat with heartfelt care.
Endo Aojiru Co. Ltd.健康飲料(青汁)の販売及びジューススタンドの運営
Health drink Aojiru and juice-stand business.